Wired News is reporting that our robot slaves are on the way. Machine Industry Memorial Foundation predicts that by 2025, Japan will be equipped with enough robots to work the jobs of 3.5 million people. 2025, eh? Cool - that gives me at least twenty more years of freedom until our robot overlords enslave us all.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wired News, You Sexy Minx!
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11:26 AM
Labels: Robots
Music News
In keeping with our relaxed approach to posting here at the Quail, here's a summary of what's going on with the crazies in the music business:
California, always at the forefront of progressive and nutty legislation, is considering "Assembly Bill 1956," which would all the state to apply sales tax to digital goods, including music downloads. That's right, no more $.99 on iTunes, kids. Assemblyman Charles Calderon (D), mastermind behind AB1956, has also somehow managed to get around Cali's long-standing legislative requirement that 2/3 of the legislature must approve the new tax. More details after the jump.
Despite my mad love and respect for Universal Music Group (UMG), it's officially gone off the deep. (Don't tell Greg that I said that though.) UMG is now alleging that when one throws away a promo copy of a CD or single, that constitutes "unauthorized distribution." I wish I was joking. UMG made these allegations in the pleadings of a lawsuit against Troy Augusto, who collects and resells promo copies. Personally, reselling promo copies makes you a sketchy mofo, but UMG's attempts to extend the Copyright Act forever and ever and ever is a bit boo.
In one of the stranger strategic pairings in Senate history, Senators Orrin Hatch and Patrick Leahy have united to support a bill authorizing the Department of Justice to pursue civil copyright infringement cases. The Protecting Intellectual Rights Against Theft and Expropriation Act (PIRATE Act) would extend DOJ’s reach to both sue those pesky college students downloading music under a lower standard of proof than required in a criminal copyright infringement case and require you, the taxpayer, to pay for it. Thanks, guys. Keep up the good work. Hey...are we still at war? Get back to me on that.
When you're waiting for the band to take the stage at a show, ever wondered what the sound guy or the promoter makes? Spin Magazine calls people out.
And I'm sure you've seen this everywhere, but I really hope this is Lil' Wayne's album cover. That is one adorable tiny brown guy, and I'm all for infant tattoos. You should really get them when they're young, you know.
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10:48 AM
Labels: Music