
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

God's Warriors

Just like it sounds. CNN is doing a report on fundamentalism in the three major Western religions (Judaism, Islam and Christianity), airing this week (we're a day late on this, Judaism was Tuesday night, with Islam tonight and Christianity tomorrow).

Regardless, here's an article and interview with the reporter, Christiane Amanpour.

Update (8/23/07): Amanpour got 2,201,000 on thursday night, finishing 2nd to O'Reilly in most watched cable news shows. I don't know what she normally gets, but those numbers look pretty good.

Update (8/24/07): Roger Simon takes Amanpour to task for unfairly comparing fundamentalist Christianity and Judaism with fundamentalist Islam. He says, "fundamentalists are a minority in Judaism and Christianity, while everybody is in one sense a fundamentalist in Islam."