
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ahmadinejad at the UN

Iranian President Ahmadinejad had his day before the UN General Assembly yesterday. While at the podium, he continued to deny that his nation is seeking to develop nuclear weapons and claimed that the West is, therefore, illegally seeking to impose sanctions on the Iranians. From his speech:

"'Previously, they illegally insisted on politicizing the Iranian nation's nuclear case, but today, because of the resistance of the Iranian nation, the issue is back to the agency, and I officially announce that in our opinion the nuclear issue of Iran is now closed and has turned into an ordinary agency matter,' Ahmadinejad said."

Get a full report on Ahmadinejad's speech here.

Also, Juan Cole at Salon has an article about the casting of Ahmadinejad as the US's 'public enemy #1' being a prelude to war between the West and Iran.