
Friday, September 28, 2007

Foxy Brown Would Not Have Stood for This

As a short reprieve from my Friday posts, I'd like to take some time out from our regularly scheduled blogging and talk about a personal issue, near and dear to my heart.

For the record, I never meant for my guest-blog spot to become "Angry Black Chick Takes over the Quail," though I am planning to petition that the editorial board rename the Quail "Diary of Mad Black Woman" on Fridays.

But as an afro-ed individual, I rock my hairstyle with pride, though I largely don't think about it much more than picking it out in the morning and trying to keep drunk guys from touching it in bars.

So finding out that an editor from one of the biggest fashion magazines in the country held a corporate fashions seminar at Cleary Gottlieb (a global M&A and international law firm) and advised attorneys to avoid afros, dreads, and other "shocking" "political" hairstyles that were "not appropriate" for the workplace, ruffled my feathers--or my natural curls, if you will.

That is all. We will now return to your regularly scheduled snark and incisive political commentary.

Thanks to "American Lawyer" for the scoop.