
Friday, October 5, 2007

Just a brief check-in from Le Cote d'Azur

Bonjour! I'm terribly sorry that the posting once a day thingy didn't work out like I had planned. The internet cafe is a 30 minute trek from our villa, and on top of that, I am unable to use the computers here like I would be able to at home, making it trés dificilé to write any worthwhile posts with good pictures and all.

As a result, I've resigned myself (and all of you) to settling for a massive photo essay when I return to the Quail early next week. I promise an extensive, informative and overall spectacular snapshot of my week that was, which, in a word, has been fantastic. Hope your week has been excellent, and that you haven't missed your daily inundation with useless religion news too much.

Au revoir jusqua lundi!