
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Now Even Pastier!

Take a look around TPQ's new layout, and let us know what you think.

Let us know if you like the new logo, too. We're planning to make up some stickers in the near future, so if it's offensive to you, speak now. Otherwise, you're doomed to be staring at a logo you don't like on a signpost, bathroom wall, or bus stop near you.


Anonymous said...

pick a diff font,

and it takes up so much space.

The Pasty Quail said...

Pick a different font for what text?

I assume it's the logo that is taking up so much space?

Anonymous said...

i prefer some color in the background other than the white.

charlsiekate said...

I think you should make tshirts too. Or at least Koozies. I love koozies. They hug happiness.

Unknown said...
