
Friday, October 19, 2007

There will be no more smoking!!

My beloved city of Chicago has made the first move: banning smoking in certain public places. As the link shows, this is barebones information, but does anything else need to be said?

I at least understand the argument about enclosed spaces; very few people enjoy being trapped in a smoky room, and the health risks are "real," unlike in public. I'm not usually the "get over it" kind of guy, but seriously, if you're having a picnic at Grant Park and someone lights up within 10 feet of you (though I'm still not sure if the secondhand smoke would do anything to you in the open air), I'm pretty sure there's enough room for you to move 20 more feet away, or — novel concept — politely ask them if they can not smoke around you, instead of the government having to mandate it.

This is pretty outrageous. But, I guess this is a step toward totally outlawing it, and we'll see how that one works out for everybody.


Greg Smith said...

The war on drugs has been terribly effective, so Im sure the war on tobacco will go just as smoothly.