
Monday, October 1, 2007

Work by a Contemporary Mid-Career Genius

Jessica Craig-Martin, former photographer for Vanity Fair, is a master of the over-exposed body shot but one who always takes care to never show faces.

Lately, her work has centered around benefits, charity functions, and other places where the monied class likes to congregate. She somehow always manages to capture mundane moments, marked with the signifiers of the decadent and the indulgent: the air kiss between women so tanned their skin is nearly leather, $750 designer shoes next to pug wearing a hat, or a guest being served champagne by a waiter wearing a watch that costs more than your rent.

Her work is currently being shown at the Greenberg Van Doren Gallery through October 6.

But in the event that you can't make it to Fifth Avenue and 57th Street in New York City, the G.V.D. has a 14-photo slideshow online. After the jump, hit Enter > Menu > Exhibitions > View Selected Works.