
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

We Have Random Notes

- The "Wall Street Journal" teaches you how to spot a rich person.
- The WSJ goes on to explain to you why Hova\Jigga\President Carter is the new Alan Greenspan. In short, it's because in his "Blue Magic" video, he proves to us that he's loaded by flashing a stack of 500-euro bills. Perhaps Ms. Bunchen started a trend.
- Michael Jackson is on the cover of "Ebony Magazine". This is a brilliant opportunity for an off-color joke, but I'll leave that to Hebbard.
- And as long as we're talking about "Ebony," check out this article on "Bush's Insane Approach to Cuba".
- The "New York Times" explains why the fat shall inherit the earth. Seriously. According to CDCP and National Cancer Institute, "overweight people have a lower death rate than people who are normal weight, underweight or obese. Now, investigating further, they found out which diseases are more likely to lead to death in each weight group." Get the scoop after the jump.


Hebbard said...

What kind of "off-color" joke could I make about Michael Jackson?