
Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Pasty Quail: A Retrospective and Prospectus

In existence nearly one month, The Pasty Quail has spent many hours surfing this series of tubes called "the internets" for you, dear reader.

We surely have an agenda when it comes to reading and relaying news and notes from a day in the life on earth. In the spirit of fairness, please join in on the conversation: send us a tip, make a comment, leave a suggestion, or just bitch about how offended you are. You can't spell community without U.

We appreciate your viewership and look foward to a promising future as the voice of several twenty-somethings.

With this in mind, here's a snapshot of our brief history to date:

- Greatest Five Seconds In Film History
- I, For One, Welcome Our Robot Overlords (For more on robots, see here, and here)
- A Few Public Service Announcements.
- Check out the How To section.
- Election 2008 coverage here.
- A Guy Shaves His Thumbs to use his iphone.
- A Love Story Gone Horribly Wrong.
- The Apocalypse is coming. For more religion news, see here. To get help, go here.
- Newsflash: It's All Your Fault

Oh, and China has been in the news. A lot.


Anonymous said...

Can you fellas please keep the dramatic squirrle always at the top of the page? Maybe its just me but i would love to see that little sucker evertime i come on here.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I liked the quail. It was pasty.

The Pasty Quail said...

A logo is in the works, I can promise it will be very pasty.

As far as the dramatic chipmunk goes, he will make regular appearances for no good reason except that that shit is funny as hell.

Unknown said...

How did I miss a dramatic chipmunk!?!