
Friday, August 31, 2007

Religion without God?

To harp on a consistent theme, the conversation about teaching religion/religious history in public schools continues to make noise (it's even happening here and there).

A Jewish man in Florida seeks to open a series of secular Jewish day schools and plans to teach Judaism from a historical standpoint "without God."

We certainly can see that this might cause some uprising in the Jewish community between orthodox and secular Jews, but we're not here to ponder that: the question posed here is, is it possible to teach about religion without invoking God?


Anonymous said...

It's possible to discuss religion without invoking God, but that would require studying it from an anthropological standpoint or a sociological standpoint. In that sense, you would be studying the impact of certain religions on the way that a particular society has developed without making value judgments of the beliefs of those religions.

In short, is it possible? Yes.
Can people do it in public high schools? No. People are too sensitive about religion to discuss it objectively might be better left for college.