
Monday, September 24, 2007

HIV Vaccine Fails

In a disappointing setback, Merck has halted trials of a new AIDS vaccine after several of the guinea pigs developed HIV. The AP has the story; for those of you who are a little more technically inclined, here is the technical run-down of the drug and its testing.

It truly is a shame to see a vaccine that showed such promise fail so abysmally in clinical trials. One of the greatest problems in dealing with HIV is the danger involved in clinical trials like this; when one goes wrong, the testers end up with HIV. I'm (somewhat) sure that Merck will take care of the drug bills necessary to keep these folks alive ("The Magic Johnson Cocktail"), but I still applaud their bravery. In a way no less real than the sacrifices made by our soldiers serving overseas, these people have put the good of society ahead of their own personal safety. They deserve our thanks, and one day, when a working vaccine is developed, they will be remembered for their heroic sacrifices.


Unknown said...

i almost did one of these studies at emory but they didn't let me in because i'm allergic to eggs.