
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Is that Dick Obama or Barack Cheney? Cheney-Obama? Obama-Cheney?

Do you see any family resemblance?

According to Lynne Cheney, the VP's #1 stone cold fox, Barack Obama and Dick Cheney have have a common ancestor, a French immigrant named Mareen Duvall. While the CNN article mentions that "first Richard Cheney's" granddaughter married Mareen Duvall's son, Sam Duvall, eight generations ago, it fails to mention how Obama is related to Duvall and thereby Cheney.

Apparently, miscegenation is as unmentionable in contemporary media as it was in the eighteenth century.

This news comes a month after the discovery that Obama is President Bush's 11th cousin, and that Bush and Cheney are also related by another branch, independent of the Obama connection.

In addition to making Nicholas Kristof's May 2007 editorial stating that Obama should win because if Clinton won, the same two immediate families would control the White House for seven consecutive terms incredibly ironic, the new developments about Obama and Cheney's lineage has prompted new conspiracy theories. Is Lynne Cheney spreading gossip about Obama's link to the Republicans to prompt voters to suspect that "it's only a matter of time before the Vader rears his ugly personality within Obama's heart?" Or is it actually a ploy to keep Cheney from running for office because he's a Republican related to a black man? Get your daily paranoia--or is it?--from Quizlaw.