
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Linux Rules; Windows Drools

In the interest of full disclosure, let me say this first: I unabashedly love Linux. It is the best operating system in the whole wide world. And the penguin is much, much cooler than a stupid window.

Now that I've got out of the way, this may be the coolest piece of Tech News this week. Bill Gates has dreams, and in his dreams, the characters hypothesize about fitting an operating system onto a 1GB hard drive. Open Source software works because computer users all want the same things: speed, ease of connection to the internet, and pretty colors. Vista hideously fails in two of these categories (speed and internet connection); it is awfully pretty though. In contrast, these are (lo and behold) the very features that Linux emphasizes. Luckily I have been looking for a use for the flash drive that came free with the last computer I bought.

As an aside, this video from 1999 is a bit eerie; replace "Windows 98" with "Vista" and "Saddam Hussein" with "Osama bin Laden" and it feels just like 2007. Weird.