
Tuesday, October 9, 2007

More on the Beijing Olympics

Yesterday, we mentioned China's little pollution problem in the lead up to the games. Today, we have coverage of a leading cause of that pollution - massive construction projects!

First up is a photo-essay on Beijing's sparkling-new subway line from It is one of the few major subway projects going on in the world at this time because of the extreme cost of building in urban areas.

Second, we have coverage from Popular Science of the on-going construction of the world's largest airport outside of Beijing.

The 2008 Summer Olympics are going to be the most interesting to watch since the fall of the Soviet Union. The Chinese government surely plans to use the games to highlight the country's growing fortunes. However, there are still many glaring issues such as pollution, extreme poverty, and a lack of human rights that will hover over every major achievement. How will the world media deal with these issues? Will it be a big deal if China beats the US in the overall medal count?