
Monday, October 8, 2007

Radiohead's Impending Album

As we reported last week, Radiohead will be releasing its new album, In Rainbows, on Wednesday. The band has thrown its fans (and the music industry) a curveball by announcing the album just a little over a week before its release, not providing the press with upfront copies for review, and only offering it via a rather cryptic website. The purchase options are especially interesting; fans can either buy the £40 box set version that includes 7 extra songs and is delivered via physical media, or choose to pay any price that they want (including nothing, as far as I can tell) for the right to download it from the interwebs. I am assuming that only the most diehard fans will cough up the big bucks for the box set, but I have a feeling that lots of people will be checking out the download. So, how much will you be willing to pay for the online version of the album?

A Pasty Quail Poll
What will you pay for the new Radiohead album?
$.01 - $1.00
$1.01 - $5.00
$5.01 - $10.00
$10.01 +


Anonymous said...

I was playing around with the thing earlier and I believe you have to put at least a penny in and then it will include a 49 cent service charge. So it looks like the minimum it will cost you, of course without downloading it from somewhere else, 50 cents.

Greg Smith said...

All I know is that when I put 0 into the box it allowed me to continue to check out, and then sent me a confirmation email. However, I have no idea if it will actually let me download the album on Wednesday.