
Friday, October 19, 2007

Tennessee Sucks, Yeah!

In some sort of attempt to make us all feel better about Tennessee manhandling UGA a couple weeks ago, this article on The Great Pumpkin, Phil Fulmer and his lack of winning an SEC title since '98 is pretty inspiring.

My hatred for Tennessee runs deep, of course, but even long before I was a UGA fan. When I first moved to Georgia in middle school, there was a kid on our bus that loved Tennessee. His dad would always wait outside their house with him, and the entire place (including the car) was all decked out in UT crap (the images of that puke-orange/yellow Power T are burnt in my head for life). So, in response, as retarded middle-schoolers tend, we'd yell out the window every day "Tennessee Suuuuuucks! Yeah!" Pointless story, sure, but I shed a tear for my UT-hating nostalgia.

So, even though stupid Erik Ainge has owned us three out of the past four years (which is an atrocity unto itself), I don't want Phil fired. I'd much rather see him wade in his own lard for the next 15 years without another ring.