
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

UF Student Tasered At Kerry Event

The Gainesville Police department might have gone a little overboard this morning at a John Kerry 'Town Hall Forum' (please don't tell me this means he is considering running for President again) when they tasered a UF student who, um, well I'm not really sure what he did.

Granted, he appears to ask the Senator several dumb questions, but that hardly justifies the reaction from the cops. Seriously guys, non-lethal doesn't equal non-painful. (Thanks Matt)

Update: Here is a roundup of blogger reactions to the incident from Pajamas Media.


charlsiekate said...

Wow. Honestly, WOW. I would be scarred for life if I'd been in that auditorium while they tasered that kid.

Anonymous said...

I was going to send this to you earlier, glad you found it on your own, crazy stuff.