
Monday, October 15, 2007

Facebook Says: "Get the F#$@ Out"

Dear Friends,

Many of you may have noticed that "Pasty", surname "Quail", is no longer appearing on your list of Facebook friends. Please rest assured that this is not because of something you did last weekend. Rather, the people at Facebook apparently look at the Terms of Service in a different way than we did.

For instance, they read the TOS and expect people to abide by them, whereas we didn't look at them and could not care any less what they say. As a direct result of this, "Pasty" has lost his Facebook profile.

But worry not, my friends. We will revive the old "Pasty Quail" group on FB, and we will be branching out to other social networking sites soon. We are also working on developing a Pasty Quail application for Facebook that will deliver our best content directly to your newsfeed.

Update: Apparently, Facebook is on an account disabling rampage at the moment. Check out this list of things you should avoid doing in order to preserve your account.