
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Wow: This Woman and Lakshmi Tatmae Should Get Coffee

First and foremost, the photo above isn't of the woman I'm about to write about; the photo is of Monica Bellucci, the film star. But when I Googled "woman freak" to find a picture to accompany this story, Google Image mysteriously suggested this photo of Monica Bellucci. So I posted it. Though I'm really curious...if Google Image thinks Monica Bellucci is a freak, what does this mean for the rest of us who lack Y chromosomes? Hebbard--any theories?

Anyway, so this post is really about Wang Fang, an amiable waitress from Chongqing City, China, who was born with her feet on backwards. Really. And she's made it 27 years with this, um, different ability and has no plans to change the orientation of her part because it enables her to outrun most of her friends.

Think I'm kidding? Make the jump, and come back and tell me about it.

EDIT: The Quail Editorial Board is in no way suggesting that 4 year-old Tatmae should consume coffee, as well.